Saturday 6 February 2016

Stay Humorous:Stay Happy

Have you ever wondered how does a grimed face look? With wrinkle lines all over the face. It looks as if we have pre-aged. We know the consequences of having a frowned look but still due to difficult situations one tends to be prey to sadness.

Humor is the source to laughter. And laughter is the best medicine.

There are some people who find humor in everything because they want to find a reason to laugh and make others laugh. Such people are most loved and appreciated in friends, family and other groups.

Having a good sense of humor is natural in some people. Not everyone can crack jokes and make others happy. But sometimes we are so captivated in our problems that we don’t even smile on the funniest of jokes. Why are we taking life so seriously? Everyone has some or the other concerns in their life. Even jovial of people have hardships but they try to shield it up with laughter. Because they know being sad and grumpy will not reduce the stress in their life but will only make it proliferate, which can have serious consequences.

So how can one stay happy and gain a good sense of humor. Well you can explore few ways to bring a smile supported by laughter in any given situation to make yourself and others feel joyful.

  • Be positive. Look at the brighter side of life.  Do not take life seriously. It’s easy to say but difficult to bring into practice. But still one can keep calm and detach you from situations which make you sad and unhappy.
  • No shedding tears. Once you look at yourself after shedding tears and crying with all your heart, you will realize how disastrous you look. It takes away the charm and glow on your face. I am not saying that do not shed tears on loss of someone. But some people have a habit of shedding tears on any given situation, when there is a possibility to be strong and move on.
  • Enjoy every moment with grace and have lots of fun. Life is too short to feel disastrous. Nobody in life is completely happy. Everyone has their share of difficult times. Do not compare yourself with others.  Get motivated and inspired.
  • Be a likable and lovable person. People who greet and approach others with a warm smile are always welcomed, admired and preferred as a good company.
  • Company matters. In continuation to above point, if you stay with group of people who are funny and just want to laugh all time, you will also feel the same and will learn to develop your own sense of humor.
  • Watch comedy shows & movies and read comic books & jokes. This makes one feel lighter and you can also share the same with others to have a hearty laugh.
  • There is no satisfaction that living a contented life and making others also happy. Whether it’s a child or an adult, making others smile is like pleasing god. And making others laugh is a blissful experience.

Humor helps you to come over pain, anxiety, stress, depression and various other ailments.

“Everyone has a good sense of humor within themselves, it is up to individual to realize it and bring to use in a sensible way.”

  (However, one should take care of not hurting anyone’s sentiments by boisterous humor)

Thursday 4 February 2016

So much to do in little time!

So much to do in little time!
Every day I wake up and promise myself to spend most of my time productively.
I schedule my day with practically 10 things to do in my mind. I start waking up at 7.00am every day and retire to bed by 1.00am. Ultimately I end up doing 7 out of 10 scheduled activities including my household chores.
It became more difficult for me to manage my time after my child, since my day was planned by her. Feeding, changing nappies, doctor visits and frequent waking up in the night to even playing (who plays at in the night;) well I did), had made me even forget calendar dates. I had to ask my husband which day is today. For me Monday's and Sunday's were same.
But well this has changed now. My darling is 2 year old. I have also advanced as a mother, housewife and now blogger. I feel I am going back to my normal old self who had given time management great respect and importance. I truly believe that gone time, day, date, month or year will never come back. That's why I want to live my life to the fullest. Enjoy every moment and every day. Capture birthday, anniversary, outings and such beautiful time spent with loved ones. 
When I was working, I had conducted one training on Time Management in my organization.
The concepts which I had designed for the training, are put to practical use by me now when I am loaded with responsibility of taking care of my house, spouse, child and now writing. Anyone who wants to utilize their time efficiently, whether at work or home, can put these simple basic steps into practical use:
1   1. Schedule and plan your activities a day prior so that you do not waste your time thinking the next day.
2.     Start early: Well I am improving on it; this is the only thing I am improving on. But yes it is important. Even I feel its waste sleeping for long hours and sleeping late. If you have the opportunity to go to bed early and wake up before sunrise, you will be one of the blessed to have so many hours in hand.
3.     Review your activities while having morning tea. That is what I do.
4.     Prioritize: Do important things first. As the day passes you start feeling lethargic to do difficult tasks, so finish all important tasks start of the day.
5.     Contingency plan: This one is my favorite. Suppose your day till evening has gone as per schedule except certain things to be done which you ignored and postponed in the evening. Suddenly when you are about to start with it and your boss schedules a meeting, or if you are at home some guest arrive, your whole planning goes for a toss. The tasks which were postponed will be rescheduled to next day. And sometimes it becomes even DAYS. So have an hour scheduled for such incomplete work which has been dragging for a long period of time.
6.     Keep gadgets away. Chat or surf the net in idle time. Keep distractions aside.
7.     Remove time to pamper yourself, to spend time with family and friends and for personal entertainment.

Lack of time for oneself and family can create anxiety and stress within us and between relations. 
Man has the ability to control time. Do not let time control you.

Though maintaining an activity log and preparing a to-do-list sounds too professional, it can be used by all of us to effectively manage time.

Remember you do not manage time; you manage yourself, others & work.
The busiest person has more time in his kitty.