Wednesday 1 June 2016

Nothing can pull you down, be strong as a mountain!

Have you ever wondered why are mountains so strong? How can they withstand the pressure of nature? No  matter how rough the weather is they stand still and robust. This is because they have a strong foundation and are meant to be that way.

Even humans are designed to be strong and fight against all odds. But not all of us can face life’s challenges with equal ease. Though we all have that quality of a fighter within us but we don’t recognize it especially at the time of crises. We tend to easily fall prey to the situation and sulk in bouts of sadness. We become so blank & deaf to encouraging & supportive words by our loved ones and surrender ourselves to the moment of dismay.

How many times has one felt like just staring at the wall and not reacting at all, as if we have been bitten by some venomous snake? No one is happy or sad as they portray in movies or daily soaps.
We all have the courage and will to fight all odds of life. We just have to identify it at the right time. Birth, death, pass, fail, win, loose, fall, rise, are some of the natural actions of life and life never stops at any of these occurrences. One has to move on and reach the skies.

Look at kids, the more they fall, the faster they rise to achieve their target, without even a small grump on their face. Then what happens to us when we become adults? Why we get so terrified by pains and hardships?

We adults have very less percentage of patience and tolerance levels. I have experienced and heard people saying, “I have faced so much that I can’t tolerate any nonsense”. Sometimes even I repeat the same words.

Let us not define any level and believe that we are most patient and tolerant being on this planet.

Meditate and keep repeating to yourself.

Don’t get triggered over small things.

Face every situation as a challenge.

Be rock strong.

Do what excites you to achieve more in life. Practice what makes you happy.

Be among people who motivate you.

Remember that yesterday will not repeat itself. The present will never come back again and no one can judge or see the future. Then why crib about past and worry about future. Take any given worst situation as a passing phase, with a bright ray of hope.

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