Friday 10 February 2017

Best Travel food tips for travelling with small kids

It’s ideally very convenient to take your baby on a vacation while you are breastfeeding Since you don’t have to worry about her eating just focus on your intake. My daughter was 6 months + when we travelled for the first time. While on road I was comfortable since she used to take my feed. Less fussy and vulnerable. But as we entered the hotel, my daily routine started. I had carried fruits, cerelac, her, biscuits (#Marie & #Parleg only), tetra milk.
Even while on holiday I was busy preparing her meals. But still quite convenient. I used to carry a kettle (mostly all hotels provide kettle), one small utensil, a glass, spoon and a bowl.
Many had suggested travel cooker but my work was done in these few listed items.
With a fussy 3 year old, I actually plan her meals even prior we plan the date for our vacation.

Here it goes:

To read more visit page:


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