Friday 10 February 2017

Best Travel food tips for travelling with small kids

It’s ideally very convenient to take your baby on a vacation while you are breastfeeding Since you don’t have to worry about her eating just focus on your intake. My daughter was 6 months + when we travelled for the first time. While on road I was comfortable since she used to take my feed. Less fussy and vulnerable. But as we entered the hotel, my daily routine started. I had carried fruits, cerelac, her, biscuits (#Marie & #Parleg only), tetra milk.
Even while on holiday I was busy preparing her meals. But still quite convenient. I used to carry a kettle (mostly all hotels provide kettle), one small utensil, a glass, spoon and a bowl.
Many had suggested travel cooker but my work was done in these few listed items.
With a fussy 3 year old, I actually plan her meals even prior we plan the date for our vacation.

Here it goes:

To read more visit page:


Tuesday 7 February 2017

#RekindleTheSparkChallenge I Want to Re-Marry My Husband For Two Main Reasons

I have always loved the fairy-tale-romance
type wedding. Not that we didn’t have one, but it was not the way weddings are done now. When two families are involved, sometimes, you cannot put your point forward. The dream sequence you have always wanted is not portrayed in reality...
This February, I am participating in the #RekindleTheSparkChallenge on World Of Moms. There's lots more happening in the #WOM14DayRomanceChallenge!

Read, like& share my 

BLOG: #RekindleTheSparkChallenge I Want to Re-Marry My Husband For Two Main Reasons

I have always loved the fairy-tale-romance type wedding. Not that we didn’t have one, but it was not the way weddings are done now. When two families are involved, sometimes, you cannot put your point forward. The dream sequence you have always wanted is not portrayed in reality...



Thursday 2 February 2017

Take a Cake: Review Blog of Bake ‘O’ cake

We love celebrating every milestone in our life. And as a tradition, a special day is brought in by treating everyone with something sweet and what an indulgence it can be with a yummylicious cake. Be it any party, celebration or occasion, the cake has to be the star of the day. 

When it comes to cakes, I have just one person always on my mind. GRACE JAMES DODDI of #Bake ’o’ Cake, who makes Customized Veg Whipped cream cakes. A housewife and a home baker with immense dreams started baking one and a half year back. She is a perfect example and inspiration for those who want to start big from home. When you make a basic cake, you realize how much sovereignty you have with culinary experimentation! Her first creation was for her 3 year old son, as she wanted him to have pure whipped cream cake instead of fondant ones. And what can compete with a mothers love to bake for her son. A hobby soon established into a profession of baking exquisite refined cakes from the comfort of her home and then there was never looking back.

With just one helper she has baked on an average upto 6 cakes in a day. Be it any occasion, design, flavour, single, two tier and three tier cakes, it is made to add sparkle to your celebration. Off lately she has started baking 2/3 tier rotational LED cakes, which are in true sense a cake lovers delight. The delivery is provided at your door step till Thane on the Central Side and Miraroad on the western side.

One cannot stop praising the cupcakes or cake pops which can also be customized.

I had ordered theme cupcakes for my nephew’s birthday and recently themed cake for my daughter’s birthday. Both were highly appreciated by our guest. 

Grace has also given Tutorials in Kindergarten schools for making cupcakes.

A couple of Testimonials from her clients:
I heard a lot of about grace. I wanted cake for my hubby's birthday and wanting it to be I ordered from her and couldn't have been more pleased with the result. She is very attentive n highly professional. She managed to deliver the cake directly to my hubby's office and hubby's expression was..just... wow..and the cake itself was's so delicious that the whole cake was gone before noon.Thank you so much Grace to make vinit's birthday special...Highly recommended 

Sonniya Goenka reviewed Bake 'o' Cake – 5 star
The cake I ordered from Grace for my son's 5th bday was absolutely delicious and the creatives made all the kids super excited!!!
It was an absolute pleasure to work with her and she was very receptive to ideas and modifications ..look forward to ordering another yummyyyy cake soon! 

Let’s read what the incredible herself has to say on her journey of baking designer cakes:
’Only being a housewife never satisfied me. I wanted to do something for myself. Since I had a background of trousseau & gift packing, my inclination was more towards creative side. I wanted to do something which could help me balance work and family.  Giving justice to all was my priority. My first cake was for my son. Since he never liked fondant cakes, I made a non-fondant designer cake for him. All credit goes to my son, who made me step into this lovely world of baking.’’
I used to always wonder how one can bake at home. That too customized cakes with so much of detailing and art. Great look and taste, it is not easy to have both.  But looking at the work Bake’o’cake is doing, one can draw inspiration from this talent. With no formal training in baking and still delivering stunning and scrumptious celebration cakes! Cakes not only make your evening special but even memorable. You can say a lot to your loved ones through cakes.  It is indeed a show stopper.

You can visit her page:

Bake 'o' cake on FB @bakeOCakeGrace

For Order contact : 7045627107

When Opportunity Strikes!

When we feel everything is over and there is no scope for our life to progress, we stop hunting opportunities which are in real present around us. The way every dark night has a ray of sun shining with full energy and brightness similarly every tough situation has a positive gleam of hope. We have heard from childhood that God gives an equal chance to everyone. He gives that one moment of decision-making that could change our life for ever. But it is not that opportunity strikes only once.

It is always around us. But we fail to identify it. This is because we are so much into cribbing and cursing our present situation that we close our eyes and ears. We stop looking at the approaching options for healing our sorrows and pains. Sometimes we feel like getting deeper into our glitches and form a cocoon of impossibilities.

And when ultimately we realize that the moment of change is gone we regret it and the cycle of feeling bad about our destiny continues.

Successful people have not reached their desired position by coincidence. They have grabbed the opportunities, analysed them and put it in use. Yes, they have taken advantage of every positive situation that had come along their path of struggle to climb the ladder. They turned deaf ear to discouragement and criticism. They never looked back and worried about the past. Rather focused on the future. For them the failure experienced is a learning rather than mourning.

They don’t waste time in asking questions, Why it happened only to me? Why do I have to face this? Why can’t I be lucky like others? They know everyone has gone through their share of hardships and the ones who are lucky have strived hard to make luck work for them. They have not stayed back and relaxed, waiting for opportunities to arrive at their door step. They have explored and worked on the potentials which will lead them to the path of triumph. Instead of asking ‘WHY’, they believe in finding answers for ‘HOW’ and ‘WHEN’.

One sees things differently as each individual has a different perspective of life. Some take it easy and some are always on the run to take the right action at the right time.
We all have goals. We also know the results. But not everyone finds correct ways to achieve these goals.  When you have one path for your destination you just drive on that same path. Driving continuously on the same road makes you concentrate only in one direction. You might miss the left and rights. If you keep your mind open and let your life succumb to change you will find many routes to one destination.

Remember ‘Opportunity brings change. And thus this Change brings in more opportunities.